One Month After Fire, Benchmark Successfully Adjusted
As the New Year sets in, the team at Benchmark Foam has successfully adjusted since its devastating fire 30 days ago – without ever missing a day of work.
Our molding team has been in South Sioux City, Neb. molding the blocks that supply the Watertown plant with the means necessary to satisfy every order. They are also running
shape machines to meet the needs for specialty products. Our team leased a 32,000-square-footfacility in Watertown that has been our hub for shipping/receiving, cutting fabrication, repackaging and recycling.
Our corporate and sales offices are at a different Watertown location working to arrange schedules so every order can have a guaranteed shipping date. Even though we are all at
separate locations, we have effectively worked as a team so every need of every customer is met every day.
Please do not hesitate to call us today at (800) 658-3444. We appreciate every order and will continue to meet any and all of your EPS needs!